The headlights and turn-signals still don't work.... It's killing me.
A little background; when these Jeepsters were built they did not have a fuse box, but rather 1 circuit breaker. While this seems ok, in reality it's not. There were many instances of fires started because of inadequate wiring. The solution is to wire in a fuse to the ignition, which was done to this Jeep at one point. In fact a bunch of home made wiring additions were done to this Jeep. It's making sense out of what is here that is so frustrating. Additional gauges, upgraded radio, steering wheel, relays that go nowhere.... Not impossible, just tedious.
I am thinking about just removing the whole wiring harness and starting from scratch. Not a fun job, as I have done it before. It would solve all of the electrical gremlins, but its a task better suited for warm weather. To be determined...